Unconventional Ways To Be More Productive

I’ve been paying a lot more attention to productivity. What makes us more or less productive? What tips actually enable us to be more efficient? What empowers us to get stuff done? You get the point. After musing it over for the past few weeks, I have some answers.

You are not a renewable resource.

I was reading a Reddit thread today with an incredible quote from a Redditor: “You are a precious resource.” The word “resource” sums up, so perfectly, all the energy, passion and time we have on this planet. That line inspired this post and this slight rephrasing: You are not a renewable resource.

Jim Carrey & I Share The Secret Sauce

I’ve told and retold the story of Melissa’s 100…. well, about a hundred times. But I’ll do it one more time, in the interest of this post. I made a list of things to do while my ex was deployed, some more impressive than others. I worked my way through it, and by the end…

“Whatever you do, don’t lose yourself.”

My brief hiatus from Driftyland (after changing it from Melissa’s 100) is over! Huzzah! I’m so happy, I’m doing mental cartwheels. I’d do them in the backyard, but I’m actually quite full of brownie. I have a few stories lined up, but as always, I wanted my first post to share something directly from the heart.…

Melissa’s 100 is now DriftyLand!

Hello there, fellow wanderers! I’ve talked about changing Melissa’s 100 for a long time now, and I’ve finally done it! I’ve shared a lot of personal experiences with my readers, but I’ve decided to take a step back and start sharing more about the people I get to meet. I’ve encountered some incredibly creative, unique and innovative…

My 2014 Manifesto

Happy 2014, 100-dians! I hope that so far, 2014 is great for you. The end of 2013 brought in a lot of happy surprises for a lot of people I care about, and I wanted to take a moment to recognize it. I had friends get married, get engaged, go back to school, buy property…

Steps To Change Your Life in 2014

So…I’m not a big fan of holidays. I hate overstuffing myself on Thanksgiving. Christmas comes and goes. Birthdays are fun, and of course, document age. But despite my indifference for holidays, I’ve realized as of late that I always look forward to New Years.