I was debating for along time about whether or not I would post this. For awhile, I was against it, but upon further reflection, I decided to share it. Hopefully, someone else can benefit from it. That’s what this blogs is about, right? So without further adieu, here’s the letter to myself.

Dear Melissa,

A few years ago, you were feeling very similar to how you are feeling now. A little lost. One night, after driving home, you decided that you wanted to let go of all of the conflicts in your life. I remember that Frank Sinatra’s “All The Way” was blasting in the background.  As soon as you got home, you sat down, and just wrote until your hands were sore. In the first line of the letter, you said, “It is very important that you do not forget how you’re feeling right now.”

Those words have stayed with you, and since then, you’ve moved forward with your life to the best of your ability. That’s what I’m telling you to do now. I give you permission to chase every single little dream that’s inside your head. Don’t worry about the rest. It’s ok to feel stuck sometimes. The truth is, we never really have control over what happens in life. It’s how we choose to live that matters. No matter how doubtful or fearful you may become, know that it’s only because those feelings are easy. It’s easier to give up and give into insecurity, because it follows you around everywhere. It’s much more difficult than it looks to completely let yourself go and be happy.

You’re at a crossroads, I know. There have been moments when you haven’t been able to predict your future. That’s because the future is now. All of your efforts are building towards it, laying down the foundation. Every choice you make to be happy or to be afraid- it will stay with you. So make the right choice, and follow through with it. The only thing to fear in life are spiders. For real, spiders are the worst. Maybe bees as well. But other than that, there’s no reason to be afraid. You should embrace every challenge with that same thought …“it’s very important that you remember how you feel now.”

Maybe this is all fate, maybe not. I’m not sure if there is such a thing or not. Maybe you can’t control life, but you can control yourself, your emotions, your ambitions, YOU. It doesn’t make you selfish to just be happy. It doesn’t make you selfish to be motivated.
But don’t try to control everything, let everything fall into place. If there’s anything in life that is certain, it’s that it’s unpredictable. So just go with the punches. I know you can do it.

