28 Candles

When I was 21, I spent the summer in South Jersey. I’ve hidden this well, mainly because for that summer, I was a waitress at T.G.I.Fridays and was seriously rocking a hair-extensioned Hannah Montana look. I worked until 2 or 3 in the morning and dated jerks. I spent evenings playing cards with my family…

Small Worlds

For the past few weeks, I’ve been settling into Durham. So far, I love it. It feels really good to live somewhere that just clicks. I haven’t felt like this since I lived in Wilmington. Boom. But living in Durham has a price. I didn’t realize what that was until this morning.

Adventures in Faith & Hitch-Hiking

I’m on the side of a road in Egilsstaðir, Eastern Iceland. The biting Icelandic wind bites my nose and ears. It blows through my thin leggings, the only clean pair of pants I have. I hold up a sign that simply reads, “Akureyri”. Cars speed past. Some drivers appear sympathetic, some ignore us completely. Some…

“I want to see how this story ends.”

I’m not a Kardashian fan. I don’t like their reality show, and I was never really into their brand (with one exception, my fake leather leggings that are actually from one of their clothing lines, but that was unintentional). But I watched Bruce Jenner’s interview with Diane Sawyer last night. Motivated by various sources, I…

If your nerve deny you, go above your nerve.

I got baptized this weekend. I was so nervous. The girl who quit her job to go to Iceland, the girl who woke up one day and decided to dye her hair blue, was trembling, shaking before she got baptized. I’ve been attending The Summit Church (Blue Ridge) for about… 2-3 months. This past Sunday…

“I’m doing good, right?”

I’ve talked a lot about success, but not a lot about what hinders success.  A few days ago, I posted a quote on Driftyland’s FB page  from Judges 1:8-2:3. I was watching a sermon about “The Causes and Cure for Spiritual Inconsistency“ on The Summit’s website, when I heard J.D. Greear say: “Small areas of disbelief…

A Month Without Alcohol

A month ago, I gave up alcohol. The most important reason is simple – I felt compelled to. After a bad date, and one too many drinks, I woke up the next day feeling emotionally exhausted and shitty. That afternoon, we had a margarita lunch at work. I decided to pass on it. It was…

“Maybe He’ll Like it”

I was talking to a new friend, when those words popped into my head. “Maybe he’ll like it.” Like it, in regards to what I was about to admit to. I don’t recall what I was holding back, but it was pretty unimportant. Something equivalent to, “I still listen to Britney Spears when I drive…