As time goes on, I’ve become more selective about the content I produce here, because I feel that it is a true reflection of myself and my marriage. What I want to say today is a little something about gratitude. If I’ve learned anything through this list process, it’s to be grateful.

I went to my parents in Rochester this weekend to avoid the impending hurricane. I hate storms. Anyway, before I left, I stopped to fuel up. While at the gas station, I encountered a homeless man who politely asked me to buy him a cup of coffee. This struck me. This man wasn’t asking for money, wasn’t asking for sympathy. He really just needed someone to buy him a $2 cup of coffee. So I did, and he was truly grateful. That kept me thinking all weekend, what am I grateful for? When’s the last time I was grateful that I could provide for myself?

I was blessed with a loving, giving family. I’m very fortunate that Dave’s family is the same way. I’m surrounded by people who care about me and look out for me, and I’m very grateful for that. I’m grateful that I can go up to Rochester and just stay with my parents. I’m grateful that my husband is sacrificing so much to protect my freedom. I’m grateful for all of the opportunities I have been given.

More than anything, I’m grateful for that man. Whoever he was, whatever his life situation is, he reminded me to slow down and appreciate what I have. No matter where this journey brings me, I can just be thankful that I’ve gotten this far.  I can be thankful that I have friends who have brought me into their home until I find work. I can be thankful that my husband is coming home. And finally, I can be grateful and thankful that I am healthy, happy, and moving forward with my life.