I’ve been paying a lot more attention to productivity. What makes us more or less productive? What tips actually enable us to be more efficient? What empowers us to get stuff done?
You get the point.
After musing it over for the past few weeks, I have some answers.
Ask The Dumb Questions

My former co-worker Ashley once admitted to me that she’s “always the one asking the stupid questions.”
I knew exactly what type of questions she was talking about. The questions that pop into your head during a meeting or conversation, that you have too much pride to ask. She said that the brief embarrassment she feels from having to ask is worth it. Why? Because you spend less time figuring out things on your own, or asking follow up questions.
“I don’t care if I ask the stupid questions, or I look dumb,” she said. “At least I’m clear on what I need to do.”
Be Honest & Direct

One of the first things Mike ever told me about his honesty was that it’s productive. When you’re completely honest, you waste less time – in relationships, at work, etc. This tactic, although one of the most obvious, is often overlooked in favor of easier solutions.
I challenge you to think about the times you’ve decided not to be completely honest. Chances are, this led to further complications that took up a considerable amount of time and energy…just later on.
The next time someone asks you something, don’t give them a less than truthful answer because it’s inconvenient or difficult. Instead, be honest, and try to address what they’re asking.
Start Procrastinating Laziness

I know I’m not alone here – how easy is it to procrastinate? Need to do dishes? I’ll do them tonight. Tomorrow. Tomorrow afternoon. After this episode of HIMYM. After this next episode of HIMYM. Never.
The future is a safe place where you get everything done, and the present is when you distract yourself with something else.
You need to reverse your thinking. Instead of being lazy or distracted in the now, be proactive, and move. Fire things off. Get things done, and instead of thinking “I’ll tackle this project later, after I call so-and-so and talk about such-and-such, think – I’ll get this out of the way right now, and call so-and-so right after that.”
In other words, procrastinate your laziness instead.
Get Some Easy Wins

The biggest reason people quit, is because they’ve failed. This is why lofty goals – such as “I’ll run a 5k today!” often fall to the wayside, because they’re too intimidating. Start by running around the block, and coming right home. Do the same tomorrow. And the next day. Hit some benchmarks, and then raise your expectations. When those expectations get to be too much, scale back. Be patient with yourself. Easy wins are addicting.
Be Fierce

I stumbled upon an article once about Beyonce’s alter ego, Sasha Fierce. In a nutshell, Knowles intentionally takes on another personality, a sassier, more confident performer, Sasha Fierce, when she’s on stage.
Obviously, this works and she kills it.
So who’s your alter ego? Who is the best version of yourself?
Ideal Melissa always gets up in the morning to run. She doesn’t skip days. She goes to hot yoga twice a week, and she’s totally zen. She eats well, writes everyday, her hair always looks great, and she’s super organized. She’s artistic, stylish, and her Iceland travel guide has definitely gone past a first draft. When lazy or unproductive Melissa steps in, I’ve started to ask myself – “what would ideal Melissa do?”
The answer is always the same: She’d absolutely kill it.