My brief hiatus from Driftyland (after changing it from Melissa’s 100) is over! Huzzah! I’m so happy, I’m doing mental cartwheels. I’d do them in the backyard, but I’m actually quite full of brownie.

I have a few stories lined up, but as always, I wanted my first post to share something directly from the heart. For the past few weeks, I’ve found myself buried in work and stress, (with what feels like little time and too much time) to look forward. I’ve been pretty hard on myself, something that resulted in feeling pretty exhausted most of the time, as it seemed my stress levels, and my expectations for myself only grew larger.

Finally, I had an amazing moment of clarity. I had a ton of my mind, and took a short break to grab a burrito from Chipotle. I was standing in line, still letting thoughts whiz around my brain like an angry swarm of bees.

What seemed like divine intervention or heck, even just my subconscious refusing to be suppressed any longer, I heard a gentle, yet stern voice in my head say:

“Whatever you do, don’t lose yourself.”

It was such a perfect, fitting thought – it was like someone popped a balloon right next to my ear. I was startled, and then immediately felt relief.

I realized how I had allowed myself to over work my emotions by constantly stressing myself out. It was too much, and despite my ambition, my drive, I was letting it get to me. I was worrying about all sorts of ridiculous things I have no control over, and I was neglecting myself.

Most importantly, I wasn’t focusing on the things that matter the most to me.

Inspiring scene from my trip to L.A.

I think I needed that little kick, that little voice to remind me that my dreams, my ideas matter. They matter to me, and if I don’t care about them more, no one else will. No one will ever care about your dreams as much as you do.

So I continue to let that resonate in me: My ideas matter. My dreams matter, as foolish or out of reach as they seem. I matter. I’m not perfect, but I deserve good, happy things.

While this post isn’t as long as mine normally are, I just wanted to share that. I wanted a positive, uplifting post right from the get go. So if you get anything from this, get this: you matter.

Your dreams and ideas matter. You’re not perfect, but you matter, and you deserve good, happy things.

And don’t forget that although you, ultimately, will care about your dreams more than anyone else, I will, too. If you’ve read my words and followed my adventures, rooted for me or just gave this blog the time of day, I’m here for you. No matter who you are, I’m rooting for you too. So despite how stressful and unexpected life can be, try not lose yourself in it.