That Time I Drove To Buffalo | Travel Essays

She furrows her brow for a moment, scribbling down another name on the piece of receipt paper. “Lucy!” she calls excitedly towards the back of the shop. “Where else should she go?”

South Wedge | Neighborhoods

The wife beater clad teen yells obscenities at me. We’re standing on South Ave, he’s just approached me and asked to bum a cigarette. I tell him I don’t have one, after asking him to repeat what he said.

Storm Clouds

I took a drive up to Lake Ontario and the Port of Rochester. A storm was brewing.  

Bóooooonus Piggggggg

Shortly after one arrives in Iceland, one realizes a simple truth: food is really f$%#ing expensive.

This Coffee is Gadzooks

Very much like my relationship with Rochester, my relationship with coffee is complicated. I didn’t always like coffee, or find much use for it.