Unleashing Driftyland Missy

Long, brown hair lazily tied into a ponytail. She giggles, cautiously pulling the piece of fermented shark off the decorative Icelandic flag toothpick, and into her mouth.


“Take one pint of water, add a half pound of sugar, the juice of eight lemons, the zest of half a lemon. Pour the water from one jug then into the other several times. Strain through a clean napkin.”

Rising Above Mediocrity

It’s Saturday, and I just got off a 9-5 waitressing shift. I’m on the phone with Tess – my ex-roommate and lovely friend. She moved to Asheville about a month ago.

“They know something you don’t know.”

Not too long ago, I heard fantastic advice. I don’t remember where, but it was that when someone is resistant or bold, it might be because – “they know something you don’t know.”

Little Bird

I want to write about something that I write about a lot. Taking risks. But I don’t want to write about it in the same way.


For the past few months, I’ve talked a lot about listening. Specifically, listening to God.

Excited and uncomfortable.

I’ve finalized my upcoming winter adventure. I’m excited – mostly in quiet moments, where I’m not thinking about my very trivial day to day problems. I was driving in my car this morning, and heard Of Monsters & Men on the radio – and just freaked out. It’s been two years since I’ve been to…