The Blue Lagoon

During my last trip to Iceland, I didn’t go to The Blue Lagoon. I don’t remember why, it just didn’t work out. I was cool with it. Whilst hitchhiking, I happened upon Myvatn Nature Baths – basically the same thing, but smaller. Plus, they had cake there.

Excited and uncomfortable.

I’ve finalized my upcoming winter adventure. I’m excited – mostly in quiet moments, where I’m not thinking about my very trivial day to day problems. I was driving in my car this morning, and heard Of Monsters & Men on the radio – and just freaked out. It’s been two years since I’ve been to…

“I’m really not that kind of girl.”

I don’t know if you know this, but after you’re single for awhile, there are inevitable milestones. The first time you decide to stay in and watch Netflix instead of going out? Check. Deciding to dye your hair a crazy Crayola color? Check. Then there’s the big one. The one action that every single girl…

Staying Honest on the Road

It’s a Monday. I’m on the Strætó bus in Reykjavik, thinking about this blog, thinking about what I hope to get out of it. I get to thinking about TAGFEE, a concept popularized by Rand Fishkin and the team over at Moz. On this blog, I’ve always tried to balance the fine line between privacy and transparency.…

Icelandic Lava Moss

“Something is happening,” says Villy. “We’re not sure what this area will look like in ten years.” Villy, the Iceland Excursions tour guide, is driving us to Grindavík, a small fishing village outside of Reykjavik. He informs us that all of the mountains we see in Iceland are indeed, volcanoes, some still at risk of…

Packing For Iceland, Europe & Beyond

Before packing my one single piece of luggage, I do my homework. The first time I ever left America, I checked out a lot of blog posts and articles about minimalist packing for Europe. At first, I didn’t find a ton specifically talking about Iceland. I knew I’d need a variety of waterproof and water…

The Iceland Thing

This was originally posted in July 2013. I am now living in Wilmington full-time as a freelancer writer/operations guru. I’ve been to Iceland four times now, as well as many other places. I own a kickass house and have an awesome dog. For the past few weeks, I’ve worked on this post. I’ve revised it about…