When they tweeted an article with this awkward photo.

Sorry, guy.

I don’t know who this guy is, but he’s probably not jazzed about this.


When they asked who to send nudes to.

Reykjavik Grapevine
Please provide a number next time

In a July 2017 newspaper, Icelanders asked the vandals who carved “send nudes”
into valuable Icelandic moss where exactly they wanted their nudes delivered.


When they gave us the heads up
it was cool to swim in the Blue Lagoon again.

Still avoid drinking the water.
No reports about what’s happening up at Myvatn Nature Baths, though.


When they requested a vagina museum.

With a penis museum in town, it’s really only fair.


The one time (of many) times they used the word fuck.

Sometimes there’s no better way to express yourself.


When they said “we’ll pass, thanks” to a giant ferris wheel.

Turns out, no one wants to get blown into Faxa Bay.


When they introduced their very own Dr. Phil.

Spoiler: He’s not bald like the American version.