It’s the summer of 2014.
It’s a blistering hot day out, and I’m walking down Wrightsville Beach, jagged seashells digging into my palm. One of my dearest friends, Vanessa Lynch, is walking besides me.
It’s something out of a dream. A long, intense conversation about love, life and relationships. A beautiful, brilliant blue sky over us. And as always, Vanessa is extremely inquisitive about how content I am.
“How’s your job going? How’s your writing going?” she asks, as the surf laps at our bare ankles. “When’s your next trip?”
It’s no surprise. When I lived in Wilmington, before and after my trip to Europe, I could always depend on Vanessa to be a beacon, a lighthouse – constantly guiding me, pushing me towards truth and happiness. A sounding board.

It’s one of my favorite things about her.
“I feel like I have many “mini” dreams,” Vanessa admits.
Of course, with one particular dream leading the rest. Although she has a promising career at PPD, she’s on her way to greatness as a musician.
When I ask why she loves music, Vanessa has a insightful reply:
“Music can accompany every stage, and practically every moment of your life.”
We all have a playlist that runs in the background of our most significant moments. Whether we’re brimming with hope, or joy, or vulnerable and weak, there’s almost always a perfect song to accompany it.
Vanessa’s has one promising and magical album to accompany her life – her own, “Walking Blind”.
It’s ironic, because as long as I’ve known Vanessa, she’s never walked blind. She’s always known exactly what she wants. She’s always pursued her dreams with such personality, passion, and drive.
She shines. Her ability to write inspiring, genuine songs likely stems from her sense of self and perception about others. She has an unapologetic acceptance of who she is, and what she wants.
“I value being so self-aware that you can sit down, and know how you feel about a conflict or something that made you really happy, but also, see how others were affected by that very same situation. All sides of a story.”

“I value raw emotions, and as you will be able to tell once you hear the album – I get personal.”
Vanessa always gets personal. The fact that I can actually feel and experience Vanessa’s struggle and inspiration in her words, and her voice, is incredible. As I writer, I can appreciate it, although I’m not a musician.

“I really want to change the pop music scene by bringing the soul back into pop, and highlighting the many talented people that take a part of the process. It is never a “one-man or woman” show.”
Vanessa has never been a one woman show. She’s worked with artists such as Dylan Linehan, collaborating at various festivals and shows throughout North Carolina. She’s surrounded by support, love, friends and family. A tribe of people that believe in her.
I’m so fortunate to be apart of it.
“It truly does take a village,” says Vanessa.
Vanessa’s Links:
Vanessa’s Kickstarter (already funded, and then some!) >>
The Official Vanessa Lynch Facebook Page >>