þetta Reddast

The theater is dark now. A solitary couple, with matching grey hued short haircuts share a cross look. Glancing behind them, they look at the girl, who is shamelessly drinking a tall glass of wine, munching on popcorn, and snapping pictures.

Hey, It’s Adventure Time!

It was almost three years ago. A friend of mine called me with a life crisis. For some reason, she chose to confide in me. I remember that night fondly, and as to protect her privacy, I won’t go into too many details.

Why I Get Naked

A cold breeze, then, goose bumps. I wait for the beep beep beep of the timer to go off before asking Donna Moore, the Museum School Director, if she has her space heater.

How To Fold A Paper Crane

I learned how to fold paper cranes at Terra Sol Sanctuary in downtown Wilmington, NC. Up for the task? Prepare to be frustrated.


My friend Scott over at ArtSpace Raleigh shared this on his Facebook wall. I model there sometimes, and it’s an incredible mix of really talented people.

Ask Driftyland Missy | I’m Pissed And I Don’t GAF Anymore

Note: This email has been revised to protect the identify of the person who submitted it. “Dear Melissa [Missy? What do you want to be called?], I’ve read your blog for awhile, and wanted to ask you about something you write about a lot. I’ve been going through a rough time. I’m desperate for answers. Within…